“And You who hold the stars
Who call them each by name
Will surely keep, Your promise to me
That I will rise, in Your victory”
September 11th, 2018
Day one post surgery started with a text requesting a smoothie. This was the best text I could have received. I picked up a couple of few of the kids from their unexpected sleepover and took them to school and then off to deliver the smoothie. Dustin just seemed better when I walked into the room. I was greeted with open eyes and a smile. As the day went on things were looking up. Numbers were slightly better. He felt better. We even took a walk around the halls.
September 12th, 2018
I have to admit I was almost skipping into the hospital because it felt like we had broken through. Yes I was still walking to the ICU but things were different. I received a text from Dustin’s friend Pete saying he was all smiles with the picture below.
As I walked into the hospital Pete was walking out and we gave each other a quick hug. When I got to Dustin’s room I found our pastor in with him and everyone was all smiles. It was so nice to see my husband again. The day went on like any other but today we had glowing reports from everyone. The numbers were better and we got word that yes he would surf again once he heals up.
September 13th, 2018
We broke out of ICU into a lower need level wing of the hospital. We got word that the cultures finally grew something and Dustin’s infection was necrotizing fasciitis (flesh eating bacteria). But hold on it didn’t eat away at any of his muscle. They didn’t remove any muscle from his body during the surgery. Miracle 1 Dustin is alive. Miracle 2 Dustin has no organ damage. Miracle 3 Dustin lost zero muscle.
And if you were wondering if God cares about the details and the two surfing anesthesiologist didn’t convince you. Our nurse on the new unit goes to the church that Jono (the pastor who married us) is the pastor of. Not only that her mom is on staff so we quickly made connections and her mom along with the entire staff of the church had been praying for Dustin. God is in the details of every story.
September 14th-19th, 2018
We spent these 5 days healing and working on getting out of the hospital. Bureaucracy and insurance companies are no joke people. Everyday we found new things to be thankful for and new ways to try to “enjoy” the hospital. We pretended the courtyard was hawaii we stopped to admire all the plants in the garden and we took time to just be with each other. All 7 of us. Yes it was quite the scene every time I brought all 5 children into the hospital but we all needed to be with each other even if it was only for short bits of time everyday.
So now Dustin is home and we had two follow up appointments this week. He has a large wound that needs to be cared for three times a week by a nurse. Healing from that is major on top of the fact that he was hospitalized for 15 days and barely ate for most of that time. His healing continues to be miraculous and we are praying for the miracles to continue. The LORD has met physical needs through so many of those around us as well. From meals to childcare and even a “supervising” nurse with a prayerful heart. The journey is not over but before we know it Dustin will be back in the water and doing all the things he has always done.
I recently discovered a song called scars that I think so perfectly describes our journey right now especially considering Dustin will have a 30cm long scar on his back.
We came up to a new sunrise
Looking back from the other side
I can see now with open eyes
Darkest water and deepest pain
Wouldn't trade it for anything
'Cause my brokenness brought me to You
And these wounds are stories You'll use
So I'm thankful for the scars
'Cause without them I wouldn't know Your heart
And I know they're always tell of who You are
So forever I am thankful for the scars
Now I'm standing in confidence
With the strength of Your faithfulness
And I'm not who I was before
Now I don't have to fear anymore
Dustin with Ava on the day he came home